Creative Fashion (Style) Personality: Embracing Unique Expressions
The Creative fashion (style) personality celebrates individuality, experimental designs, and unconventional styles, embodying a bold and artistic approach to fashion.

Sensitive, Bohemian, Unique, Dreamer, Youthful, Ingenue, Gamin, Airy, Ethereal, Delicate, Angelic, Elfin, Mystical, Youthful, Fresh
Physical Characteristics : You are short to average and have a fine bone structure. Your body is gently curved, especially in the hips. Your facial shape and features are curved, soft, fine, and small. Your eyes are large, round, wide, open, soft, and dreamy. Your hair has soft curls, wispy, loose strands, short or long.
Values : You appreciate self-expression, individuality, imagination, introspective, intuitiveness, creativity, art, mysticism, philosophy, freedom, and solitude.
Fashion Style : You combine colours, textures and patterns in unexpected ways. You like unique, off-beat, soft, vintage, costume-like outfits.
Your unconventional, reflective uniqueness makes you noticed and appreciated for your creativity. You also like extravagant and wild patterns on exotic textures (gypsy hippy look inspiration) light and muted colours, and flowy fabrics with natural materials.
Fashion Styles associates with Creative Fashion Personality
Staples : You prefer lots of details, patterns, prints and unconventional, unique, creative shapes and designs.
LOTS OF DETAILS : Laces, ribbons, ruffles, bows, gathers, unusual buttons, beading, crochets, and embroidery

PATTERNS & PRINTS : Small scale creative patters, boho prints

MIX PATTERNS & PRINTS & COLOURS & TEXTURES : Mixing and matching colours and patterns in unexpected ways shows their creativity



Clothing Examples : You choose lightweight, floating fabrics with visual appeal – lace, crushed velvet, chiffon, crochet, and fun fur.
Your style lines are soft – full gathered sleeves, peasant shirts, slouchy hats, and A-line shapes.
Short hemlines suit you the best, such as shorts, cropped, fitted pants, jackets and cardigans, mini or knee-length skirts.
You can accessorize abundantly – vests, hats, scarves, bow ties and gloves.
You like details like laces, ribbons, ruffles, bows, gathers, unusual buttons, beading, and embroidery.

Accessories : You like details with your accessories, even your boots have buttons and laces. Your jewelry is filigree and delicate, but you may wear a lot of it – an armful of bangles or multiple fine chains.

Patterns and Prints : Polka-dot, paisley, small florals, retro, vintage, bohemian and tie-dye patterns work best for you.
Colours : Your colour palette consists of mostly neutral colours as well as soft, pastel and dusty tones.